Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Navidad Pocas and Feng Shui Spirit

people associate the celebration of Christmas and Feng Shui, these two traditions are different but have much in common when considering your objectives, not about following a little Christmas spirit devalued by the commercial and common, but refocusing as a special occasion, the birth of a new year and new illusions using positive energy consciously to achieve our goals.
Navidad Pocas and Feng Shui SpiritThe way of involving the Feng Shui at Christmas time without abandoning the basic principles of these parties is to incorporate elements to be powerful in Feng Shui are integrated into the Christmas decorations. That is, the traditional color of good fortune and abundance in China are red and gold, also purple or bright green,
Navidad Pocas and Feng Shui Spiritso we could think of make as many items or decorative items in these colors as well as we can and will achieve increase the positive energy of our home and create a sense of vitality and joy. In fact, the intention is the same in both cultures: using decorations, food and gatherings with family and friends as triggers to attract good fortune.
Navidad Pocas and Feng Shui SpiritIt's simple, just think of your space and want to give it a new life for a few days following the traditions. A universal example of this, maybe having a bowl of candy near the door as a symbol of welcome and insist that all who come to take one. Better than the best source for Feng Shui!

Navidad Pocas and Feng Shui SpiritChristmas is the season where the best intentions (power) is found in the environment, so we take the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui, in order to benefit from this cosmic moment.
Navidad Pocas and Feng Shui Spirit Dare to implement this philosophy in your home and you will achieve harmonic spaces available for the reception of the new year.


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